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Conditioning for Life, and Swimming

The Olympics this year were so inspiring to watch, despite the fiasco of the swimmers – Mr. Ryan Lochte! As we were watching the athletes, it became quite obvious that not all were properly trained and conditioned. This is so important for not only competition, but also for living a healthy life.

My favorite programs to teach and train are a combination of Starting Strength barbell training and the Invincible Athletes programs. Both are decades-old established programs that provide qualitative results, no matter your body type, size or shape. Before starting any training program, we like to start people’s training from the “inside-out.”

Here is our suggestion to proper condition yourself for living a healthy lifestyle:

DAY 1: Walk for only 5-10 minutes breathing only through your nose. Please count the number of steps/strides you take as you inhale and the number of steps it takes for you to exhale. It might only be a total of 3 – 5 steps in the beginning, per breath cycle. The goal is to work up to walking longer time periods (30 minutes to an hour) AND using 1 breath for 18 strides. That’s about nine strides during your inhale and nine to 10 strides for the exhale. Does this make sense? This is the quickest way to proper conditioning for your heart and lungs.

DAY 2: Repeat Day 1 exercise, 2 times in a day.
DAY 3 – DAY 7: Repeat Day 2
DAY 8: Repeat Day 1 exercise, 3 times a day. (3 x 10 minutes = Only 30 minutes)
DAY 9 – DAY 15: Repeat Day 8
DAY 16: Increase the 10 minutes to 20 minutes, 1 time only.
DAY 17: Walk 2 x a day at 20 minutes only.
DAY 18 – Day 25: Repeat day 17.
DAY 26 – Day 30: Walk 2 times a day at 30 minutes each.
DAY 31 – Rest of your life: Walk as much, as far you and as fast as you want, maintaining the 18:1 breathing pattern!

The really important factor here is that you maintain the breathing pattern through the nose, never the mouth, and to only add SMALL increments of time in order to increase your breathing and cardio conditioning. Take it slowly to reach that goal of 18 strides per breath cycle. You can do it!

When you reach the 18 strides per breath, depending on your motivation to achieve even greater levels of conditioning, we recommend that you start to pick up the pace and implement jogging, or running into the routine, but only if you are able to maintain the 18-breath cycle. This is where you’re really going to achieve nirvana in your workouts and that natural high that people allude to.  You’ll notice a huge difference in your resting heart rate as well as your working-out heart rate. It will be much lower than what you’re used to. And that’s the secret to living a long and healthy life!

The really important factor here is that you maintain the breathing pattern through the nose, never the mouth, and to only add SMALL increments of time in order to increase your breathing and cardio conditioning. Take it slowly to reach that goal of 18 strides per breath cycle. You can do it!

Please remember, 

  • $180 a month provides a child access to the life-changing swim team preparing them for high school and college!
  • $275 a month teaches a special needs child the lifesaving skill of swimming.
  • $5000 provides education and credentialing for our coaches.
  • $10,000 provides six months of pool access.

Donate now and be a hero in the life of a child.


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