Do you worry about your child’s ability to focus?
My nine year old is creative, witty, and smart. In addition, she has a short attention span and a serious lack of follow through. She took gymnastics for six years, soccer for a few seasons, and is currently practicing Tai Kwan Do. She participated but was easily distracted and lost interest quickly. It wasn’t until she joined the swim team last summer that the real breakthrough happened. At the prospect of racing against her peers, and the concept of getting faster, my girl came alive. She produced a consistent, hard work effort over the course of a whole season. She was intent on beating her personal record each time. My scatterbrained child had a goal.
And I, the anxious mama in the corner cheering on her successes and encouraging her in difficult moments of loss, I learned anew the value of healthy competition for my children. In addition, I understood the unique position swimming occupies as her teacher.
In the end, it’s not about winning and losing, but about mastery. We teach our daughter to race herself, to get better each time. And whether she is playing a fierce game of dog bingo or swimming the backstroke (her favorite), our motto is, “There is no winning or losing, only winning and learning.”
At One with the Water, we encourage and value healthy competition in our athletes, preparing them to master the skill of swimming, race against their peers, and challenge themselves to be their best.
Healthy competition in children
- Healthy competition helps kids understand that it is not always the best or smartest who succeed but those who work hardest and don’t give up.
- It encourages the learning and application of valuable social skills through interaction with other athletes and peers.
- In many instances, healthy competition teaches the value of teamwork and cooperation, and the benefit of working for the good of the larger group.
- Healthy competition allows kids to learn how they react in challenging situations. This creates opportunities for them to shine in difficult circumstances.
- Healthy competition teaches children how to win and lose gracefully.
- And finally, healthy competition can result in improved self-esteem and confidence.
Does this sound valuable to you?
We know you want your children to be confident, safe and successful in the water. One with the Water offers infant, child, adult, and special needs swimming lessons to help them succeed both in and out of the water. We teach you to swim, improve your existing skills, and prepare you for competition. Register today and we can help you take advantage of what healthy competition combined with the unique sport of swimming can do for your family.
And did you know we are a nonprofit as well? We know life with special needs can be unpredictable, challenging, and isolating. That’s why, in addition to our regular infant, child, and adult swim lessons, we developed an Adaptive Athletes program to train athletes from elementary age, through high school and beyond.
We also know you want to be compassionate, involved members of your community. When you donate to One with the Water, you create real and lasting change in the lives of our adaptive athletes.They are confident, courageous, successful, and safe, thanks to you!
- $180 a month provides a child access to the life-changing swim team preparing them for high school and college!
- $275 a month teaches a special needs child the lifesaving skill of swimming.
- $5000 provides education and credentialing for our coaches.
- $10,000 provides six months of pool access.
Donate now and be a hero in the life of a child.
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Molly is a member of our creative team, mom of four water-loving babies, and a fierce advocate for CPR training and really early swim instruction.