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The group-based social skills training SOSTA-FRA in children and adolescents with high functioning autism spectrum disorder – study protocol of the randomised, multi-centre controlled SOSTA – net trial

“This study is currently one of the largest trials on SST in children and adolescents with HFASD worldwide. Compared to recent randomised controlled studies, our study shows several advantages with regard to in- and exclusion criteria, study methods, and the therapeutic approach chosen, which can be easily implemented in non-university-based clinical settings.”

At One with the Water, we focus on providing quality swimming lessons for kids and adults, with quality service. As part of our training to provide swimming lessons for the Autism Spectrum, we continually research the latest techniques and studies on teaching kids and Autism Spectrum Disorder. We want to share our findings with you. Our research helps us to provide safe and effective swimming lessons to your child.

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We are a Westside Regional Center vendor. Any appeals or questions may be submitted to the California Department of Developmental Services or by calling (916) 654-1987.
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