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Press Release: Kenneth Rippetoe & Mia Schaikewitz In ‘Push Girls’

One with the Water® has been selected to participate in the Sundance Channel’s documentary, “Push Girls.” Sundance Channel is producing a new documentary, “Push Girls.” Previously, “Murderball” provided a look into the harsh world of wheelchair rugby. “Push Girls” will provide a glimpse into the world of beautiful women who are living with paralysis in Hollywood, CA.

“The indomitable spirit of this series will give viewers permission to observe a world that until now they may have been too polite or too frightened to explore. The Sundance Channel will allow the “Push Girls” to convey the stark reality of their lives.”

Kenneth Rippetoe, Executive Director of One with the Water®, will work with Mia Schaikewitz to reach her watery goal. Mia is a reflective, beautiful woman who was once a competitive swimmer. In “Push Girls” she will attempt to swim for the first time since high school. Kenneth will be coaching and working with Mia to help her become a competitive swimmer again.

“I am delighted to work with Mia,” said Mr. Rippetoe. “It is known that water heals and that with each stroke she will be building strength. I am sure that Mia’s experience in the pool will be a rewarding one. I look forward to the experience as I am always eager to teach the value of swimming.”

Click to learn more about Push Girls. To assist us in providing lessons to others like Mia, please consider a tax-deductible donation to One with the Water®.


– Coach Kenneth Rippetoe & Push Girl’s Mia Schaikewitz

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