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Swimming with ADD/ADHD

Swimming with ADD/ADHD

My oldest child has ADHD. As a parent learning to navigate all that comes with that diagnosis, from nutritional strategies to potential medication choices, one thing has stood from out the beginning. Regardless of the path we choose, natural medicine versus...
5 Tips to Prevent Swimmer’s Ear

5 Tips to Prevent Swimmer’s Ear

Summer swim season is here, and with it comes just a few things we all dread – like perpetually wet towels, losing our bathing suit off the diving board, and of course, swimmer’s ear. While I can’t really help you with the diving board dilemma, I can give you a...

What Happens to Your Brain When You Swim

What happens to your brain when you swim? One with the Water isn’t just our name. It’s a way of life, a love of movement. It means time spent at peace with the world and away from the chaos of our everyday moments. So what is it about swimming that transports us? We’d...
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