by Molly Huggins | May 16, 2019 | Press Release
One with the Water is proud to announce that our head coach and founder Kenneth Rippetoe has achieved a Level Five Disability Coach certification from the American Swimming Coaches Association. Level 5 is the highest certification available and requires years of...
by Molly Huggins | Mar 19, 2019 | Press Release
One with the Water is honored and excited to announce we’ve received a grant from Variety – The Children’s Charity of Southern California in order to support our primary mission. At One with the Water, we live to inspire others to do what inspires them. We help...
by Molly Huggins | Sep 28, 2018 | Autism Research
Child fMRI Study at USC! The University of California is conducting a MIND (Motor InterPersonal Neuroimaging Developmental) Study using magnetic imaging to study the brain. They are looking for children age 8-16 years old who are: 1. Typically developing 2. Clumsy or...
by Molly Huggins | Jul 12, 2018 | Press Release
It’s been low key around here because we’ve been so busy this summer! That is a good thing though, and we want to let you know some of the big moments we had in June. Coast to Coast First, on June 3, One with the Water was a proud participant of Coast to Coast...
by Molly Huggins | Feb 14, 2018 | Press Release
One with the Water is proud to announce that Head Coach and Founder Coach Kenneth Rippetoe is now certified by the American Swimming Coaches Association as a Level 4 Disability Coach. The requirements necessary to be certified at level 3 and level 4 are comprehensive...